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Carnivor finally gets it’s sixth flavor, MuscleMeds add peanut butter to their beef protein

MuscleMeds release their sixth Carnivor flavor peanut butter

Early last year MuscleMeds released a poll giving fans and followers a chance to vote on the next flavor for their beef protein powder Carnivor. In the months that followed pictures were uploaded of taste tests, showing that there were more options than the winners red velvet and peanut butter, being sampled. Now after almost a year since the voting poll went live, MuscleMeds have finally revealed and released their sixth flavor of Carnivor. Joining blue raspberry, fruit punch, chocolate, vanilla caramel, and cherry vanilla, is the promised and voted upon peanut butter. For now the taste has only been spotted in the 2lb tub, although if it doesn’t end up making the cut of the 4lb. It will be the only option on Carnivor’s menu that is limited to just the one size. We have also yet to see the facts panel of the new peanut butter to confirm the differences that brings, if any. As with some of the other Carnivor variants their actual scoop weight and finer details do vary slightly.

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