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ISO Zero facts panel reveals remaining details, three flavors confirmed for Muscletech’s international

Muscletech release the facts panel for their international formula Iso Zero

Muscletech’s international isolate protein powder ISO Zero, has been popping with details here and there over the past couple of months. Up until now we knew of the supplement’s one size of 2lbs, two flavors, chocolate milkshake and vanilla ice cream. As well as a few contents details like zero fat, zero sugar, and 25g of protein. We can now confirm the remaining details of the product, as it’s facts panel has been released. Joining the above points is 1.5g of carbohydrates, a 100mg digestive enzyme complex featuring papain and amylase, with a total calorie count of 120. The supplement’s facts panel also confirms it’s inclusion of BCAAs, which is listed under the label’s other ingredients section. Inside the premium protein and amino blend, right before glycine, l-alanine, and all the others. In regards to variants, Muscletech have actually produced ISO Zero in three flavors and two sizes, with strawberry cream being the third taste, and a 5lb tub being the second volume. For a full description of the isolate protein visit Muscletech’s international website, where you can also get a closer look at it’s facts panel.

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