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Capsule Carnitine Core finally arrives, Muscle Pharm’s premixed joined by pill

Muscle Pharm launch their alternate capsule form Carnitine Core

Leading into the Olympia Expo last year, an image of Muscle Pharm’s Core Series supplement Carnitine Core appeared in capsule form. Since then nothing has been released, with no word coming from the Athlete’s Company about the basic variant. With all that said, and our hopes almost down none, the premixed Carnitine Core has finally surfaced in a pill version. Currently beginning to show up in stockists all over the place is a 60 capsule edition of the product, featuring 30 two capsule servings each identical to the original’s 15ml serving. As for price Muscle Pharm are not looking to charge fans anything extra for the alternate carnitine solution, with only cents separating the premixed and pill. The most interesting thing about the arrival of the capsule Carnitine Core, is that now on Muscle Pharm’s website there is no longer a liquid version listed, just the 60 count. While nothing official has been announced, it does certainly suggest that the pill product is not actually an alternate edition.

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