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Carnivor Mass 4lb facts panel uploaded, two less serving MuscleMeds mass protein

MuscleMeds upload 4lb facts panel of Carnivor Mass to their website

Believe it or not we have another development coming from the brand that we can’t get enough of lately, MuscleMeds. We’ve seen them launch new supplements with Phenbuterol and Power Test, add new variants with Carnivor Bars and peanut butter Carnivor, and tease their highly anticipated Secret Sauce for more than we can bare. The latest update seems to be going to their weight gainer Carnivor Mass. While the brand have not said or mentioned anything, their website suggests that a 4lb tub of the mass protein is either in the works, on it’s way, or at least a possibility. This comes from the listing a 4lb facts panel for chocolate fudge and vanilla caramel, right beside the current Carnivor Mass 6lb labels. The interesting thing about the facts panels is that they are listed as 4lb options, but with 12 servings. Which as most MuscleMeds mass builders will know is only two servings more than the 6lbers, that are actually in some places more specifically listed as 5.6 and 5.7lbs. As mentioned nothing is official, with MuscleMeds yet to say anything on the matter. However you can go and check out the label listings on the brand’s website yourself, through Carnivor Mass’s supplement facts tab.

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