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Muscletech detail their upcoming formula, Clear Muscle solely relying on BetaTOR HMB

Muscletech's Clear Muscle confirmed as a 14 day supplement

Our last update on Muscletech’s Clear Muscle saw the confirmation of the supplement’s main ingredient, BetaTOR HMB free acid. In that post we were left wondering whether or not the product would be relying on just that one ingredient to achieve it’s hyped results. Today we can now tell you that Clear Muscle is indeed relying on just that one as it’s facts panel has surfaced. Also revealing the serving size allocated to the previewed gram of BetaTOR at two capsules. Muscletech direct users to take one serving three times a day, which with a bottle count of 168 capsules, will see you through a 28 day period. The brand do suggest using Clear Muscle for a 12 week cycle, so if you are interested in pushing the supplement to the limit it’s going to take three bottles all up. There is still no date set for the arrival of the fingers crossed muscle builder, although with the rate that Clear Muscle action is happening, it has to be soon.

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