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Muscletech’s latest expected to be expensive, upcoming Clear Muscle just under $100 at GNC

GNC's Clear Muscle price tag could put Muscletech's latest above $50

Something that may not come as a surprise to a few people, and possibly even change the minds of a few others. Is the price point for Muscletech’s upcoming muscle building formula Clear Muscle. While we have yet to see the product hit any of the usual stockists we count on for the lowest prices. GNC have shown up with the highly anticipated supplement listing a value of $99.99, or $79.99 with a Gold Card. Now before anyone goes crossing the product off their wishlist, keep in mind that the $80+ cost is what GNC have Clear Muscle labeled as. You can almost guarantee everyone else will be setting it’s price a lot lower, with our estimate somewhere around $50 at places like, Muscle & Strength and Nutraplanet. The expected value of the upcoming Muscletech supplement doesn’t of course change how well the formula is going to perform. However it is likely to be a major factor for those after a muscle builder in the category’s regular price range. As well as those not overly confident in Clear Muscle’s effectiveness.

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