One of the things we have seen quite a lot of lately from a number of brands is new flavors, mostly for pre-workouts and protein powders. To name a few, Muscle Pharm had their lot for both the Hybrid and Arnold lines, Dymatize celebrated with two for ISO 100, and USP Labs had a bit to add with three for OxyElite Protein. The latest to join in on the fun is Ronnie Coleman with three new tastes for his popular Signature Series protein powder Pro-Antium. Since it launched the supplement has been available in three flavors, double chocolate cookie, vanilla wafer crisp, and strawberry shortcake. The three due to double the product’s menu and take it to a total of six are chocolate banana, peanut butter cookie, and cookies & cream. For those that are familiar with the supplement, even if Ronnie brings half the amount of taste he has in the other options, the three new additions will definitely do well. There has been no exact launch date set for the arrival of any of the three Pro-Antium’s, with just the words ‘coming soon’. Which for the Signature Series could actually be a lot less than usual, possibly somewhere in the next few weeks.