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More Generation Iron merchandise added, Fitness Mat and Fusion Bottle now available

The latest Generation Iron merchandise, fitness mat and fusion bottle

Generation Iron fans will probably know by now that there is more than just the DVD of the docudrama available. Ever since the movie actually hit theaters, the team behind the film have been pumping out all kinds of merchandise. There is anything from bags and gloves to tees and sweatpants, all on sale at the official Generation Iron website. The latest items to be added are the branded Fitness Mat and Fusion Bottle. The Fitness Mat is a 3mm thick quick dry foam mat, measuring 24″ wide by 66″ long and comes at a price of $27.99. The other product the Fusion Bottle, is a crafty device allowing you to slip some fruit down the middle of the bottle, fill it up with water and experience the combination of your fruit fusion. The bottle is slightly cheaper than the mat at $11.99, with both now available from Generation Iron’s direct store.

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