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Recently released Katana follow up Visceral Response, introducing Komodo Nutraceuticals and their three formulas

Introducing Komodo Nutraceuticals and their upcoming Visceral Response

The supplement company we would like to introduce to you today, is Komodo Nutraceuticals. A relatively unknown brand, one which we could only find in the online store Get Ripped Nutrition. Komodo currently only have two products available at the stockist ready to ship, the pro-hormone EPIK Shred and the pre-workout Katana.

The latter is the more recent release, a supplement that is actually making quite the noise with it’s transparently dosed formula listing highlights such as citrulline (2g), glycerol monostearate (2g), Agmapure agmatine sulfate (1g) and as always caffeine (230mg).

While Katana is the new kid on the block for Komodo, the position of the youngest in the family is soon going to be taken by Visceral Response. Visceral being the brand’s first entry into the world of weight loss, and yet another great example of Komodo’s honest angle. For a quick second we have to circle back to last week, as this brand is exactly what we feel Stoppani was on about. Showing that there is indeed change in the air, and trustworthy transparent companies do in fact exist and becoming more common. If you would like to find out a little more about Komodo, they don’t yet appear to have their own website. So you will need to head on over to Get Ripped Nutrition, where you will also find both EPIK Shred and Katana on sale, with Visceral Response listed as coming soon.

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