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More for Muscle Pharm’s Arnold Series, double size Iron Pump brings 5th flavor

Muscle Pharm launch Iron Pump in a 60 serve tub with fifth flavor blue razz

While we may have already posted on Muscle Pharm earlier today. The brand do appear to have something more for their Arnold Schwarzenegger Series outside of the upcoming Iron Test. The latest update from the athlete’s company is in regards to their Hybrid N.O. successor Iron Pump, with a second 60 serving size. The new volume packs twice that of the original 30 serving tub, and will save you around 10% a scoop. To top it off the double size Iron Pump has also brought with it a fifth flavor blue razz, following March’s promised pineapple mango. Both blue razz and the 60 serving bottle are already available in a number of locations. With blue razz produced for the 30 and 60 serving tubs, and all flavors except Iron Pump’s fourth on the 60 serving’s menu.

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