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SX-7 Series drops size of Concentrate line, Muscletech down to Creacore and Neurocore

Muscletech shrink their Concentrate Series range online

Now that Muscletech have introduced or confirmed the formation of their SX-7 series, it does appear that some re-organizing is in order. One of the most well known brands in the industry currently has four lines in the US, the Performance, Essential, Concentrate and SX-7, as well as two international the Premium and Ultra Premium. From that list we are going to assume the new SX-7, Performance and Essentials are not going anywhere, with the same going for the Premium range based on it’s recent rebranding. The two series left standing are the Ultra Premium and Concentrate. While the we can not be too certain on the Ultra’s future, especially since it’s very similar to the Essential line. The Concentrate series however does seem to have something going on, as Muscletech’s website now no longer features a homepage link for the Concentrates, just a menu listing of Neurocore and Creacore. Alternatively the brand’s international site does still list the entire range, but we feel the US removal definitely hints at something for the DMAA era series.

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