The brand behind this year’s Arnold Classic winner Dennis Wolf, have put together quite a large range of supplements dedicated to endurance based athletes. In total Amix’s new Performance Series features 12 products, more than some brands have in their entire line. Starting with the powder formulas we have Iso-Lyte the isotonic energy sports drink, Re-Cuper a well dosed recovery supplement with 6.25g each of glutamine and BCAAs. Reco-Pro a creatine infused protein powder, Per4Max the pre-training energy booster, and WaxIont a complex carbohydrate formula. Next are the two pill products, the joint support supplement OsteoFix and the 2:1:1 BCAA, BAA-XT. Then lastly we have the on-the-go Performance Series items, TrioPlex the layered energy bar, By-Energy the fruit and nut energy bar. Magnesium Liquid Plus a premixed mineral and salt combination, E-Lite a premixed electrolyte formula, and Rock’s the caffeinated energy gel, which does also come in a caffeine free version. For more information on the new Amix Performance Series, the brand haven’t uploaded anything to their website, but have thrown online a catalog detailing the 12 products.