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BSN Push update brings official announcement, N.O. Xplode 3.0 looking more and more likely

Latest BSN Push update fuels rumors of N.O. Xplode 3.0

The latest installment in the BSN build up comes as an official announcement from the brand themselves. Previously we guessed that based on the information released we will eventually be looking at a reformulated N.O. Xplode or CellMass, and seeing as pre-workouts are all the rage at the moment. Our money was put on June 30th bringing the sequel supplement N.O. Xplode 3.0. The brand’s latest update definitely suggests that we are on the right track with quotes such as ‘The entire BSN team, from the lab to the gym, has given relentless focus to create a brand-new formula that will push athletes and their workouts past previous limits’. And ‘The new formula brings it – and so does the flavor’. We feel if it’s not a reformulated N.O. Xplode than it’s definitely a pre-workout of some sort. As if the flavor part doesn’t nail it down, then the pushing athletes past their limits line directly relates to workout performance. All will be revealed next week on Monday the 30th, so be sure to tune in then and also sign up to BSN Push for live email updates.

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