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Elite Lab’s third formula previewed, presumed pre-workout Pre Rage vaguely detailed

Elite Labs preview their next new supplement the pre-workout Pre Rage

Elite Labs originally launched with just the one supplement, the now extremely well known mass protein, Mass Muscle Gainer. Their first follow up then came in 2013 with the isolate protein Isoblend, which also brought with it a half size Mass Muscle Gainer. Now a year after Elite Labs released their second, the brand are looking to introduce their third. The name of the new supplement is Pre Rage, a formula currently undetailed and uncategorized, but based on it’s title we believe likely to be a pre-workout. As mentioned it is undetailed, however on the face of the supplement you can see a few doses. While they are a bit blurry the highlights look to be 2.5g of beta-alanine, 500mg agmatine, 6g of citrulline malate, and 300mg and 200mg of ingredients we can’t make out. For now the title and possible contents is all Elite Labs have made available for Pre Rage. With unfortunately no confirmation on if the pre-workout is just around the corner or quite a while away.

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