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Gaspari’s new protein due to arrive next month, 2lb Myofusion Advanced yet to be confirmed

Gaspari confirm 4lb only Myofusion Advanced and launch for next month

Gaspari Nutrition have released an update for Myofusion Advanced, the brand’s latest entry in their long line of Myofusion proteins. When news broke on the supplement it took about one week for us to get all the information, leaving very few details to be confirmed. Gaspari have now filled in all the gaps, revealing something that we weren’t too sure about when we first saw the product. Basically there was and has been no hint or mention of a 2lb Myofusion Advanced, and as it turns out there may not actually be one. Gaspari’s update has seen the upload of page dedicated to the supplement. Which only lists the one 48 serving tub in the previously previewed four flavors, chocolate, peanut butter cookie, vanilla ice cream and strawberries & cream. While the existence of a 2lb probably won’t be confirmed until Myofusion Advanced is available, that isn’t actually too far awy. As the other piece of informatoin Gaspari have dropped is the supplement’s launch of sometime next month in July.

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