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Is your protein really protein? PricePlow cover the ongoing issue of amino spiking

PricePlow post on the ongoing amino spiking issue in proteins

As we all join together and spread awareness on the whole amino spiking situation. The more people talking about the issue and explaining it to their present and future audience, the better. The latest team to jump on board and join the fight is PricePlow, who have put together an incredibly detailed piece going over protein spiking from top to bottom. The article covers just exactly what the act is, why brands are able to do this, and how to spot spiked supplements. At the bottom there is also a nice piece PricePlow received from someone, which does actually make the situation sound a bit more upsetting. Whoever the person is they go on about prices of glycine, why spiking is being done, how it may be done without label evidence, almost coming off like they are trying to justify spiking a protein. At the end of the day the consumer is the one with the finished product, the back story is irrelevant. It shouldn’t be difficult to get what a product promotes in the product. The good news is no matter how disappointing some brands effort is in this area. Instead of dead end responses and replies, we can guarantee you that there are companies out there doing it right. While it may be an uneven playing field right now with brands fighting competitors who spike beyond belief. Whether or not things change, those that cheat will eventually be singled out, and those that don’t will be getting their return in customer loyalty and trust.

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