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BSN listing alternate re-engineered formulas, updated N.O. Xplode going to be very different for UK fans

BSN's UK N.O. Xplode significantly different to the US version

Yesterday was BSN’s big reveal day, confirming a new N.O. Xplode. The supplement we suspected to be what the brand were building up to. As well as the product we managed to get details online for a few hours before the BSN Push website was updated. Today we have a bit more information for the re-engineered pre-workout, with actually unfortunate news for international BSN fans. On top of the regular reformulated N.O. Xplode facts panel, the brand have also unveiled the contents of their UK edition. Despite the area having their own regulations, it is difficult to look at the alternate version and see any similarities to the N.O. Xplode that was revealed yesterday. One of the biggest differences is the supplement’s listing of 11g of amino acids, an amount heavier than all of the U.S. edition’s blends combined. For a complete look at the edited N.O. Xplode, we have uploaded the UK facts panel below. Which you can also see on the brand’s website dedicated to the product

BSN re-engineered UK N.O. Xplode facts panel
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