Over a year ago we asked fans what they wanted to see more of, and the answer was reviews and freebies, so we upped the anti on both. In the area of giveaways we’ve done our fair share, and continue to do them with supplements being thrown out almost every day now. Some of the biggest contests we’ve run include this week’s N.O. Xplode promotion, our years supply of Neon Sport Volt or Kinetic, and the numerous stacks we’ve put up as prizes. Big is always better, and while this competition may not be ours, it is one of the biggest we’ve seen and one you need to get in on. MAN Sports have teamed up with Furious Pete to give away a total of 50 full size tubs of our top five pre-workout Game Day, all of which are Pete’s own Tropical Fury flavored. To enter simply subscribe to MAN and Furious Pete’s YouTube channels, as well as like their Facebook and Instagram pages for more entries. The contest closes on August 6th at 23:59 Pacific when Pete will select 50 winners from the below video’s comments section, and just to reinforce how big this competition is. The giveaway is in fact open to fans from all over the world.