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MAN’s true game changer in stock and on sale, PF3 discounted with a 3-in-1 at Tiger Fitness

MAN Sport's soon to be discontinued PF3 on sale

MAN Sport’s Pure PF3 days are indeed numbered, with the last lot of the supplement’s stock now in stores. Last time we checked in very few stores had all the protein replacement’s variants available, with the same stores still hanging on to fruit punch, candy grape and unflavored. To help send off the product with a bang, some places are actually promoting the soon to be discontinued Pure PF3 with discounted or freebie deals. At the moment you have Tiger Fitness, who are giving away a free 3-in-1 MAN shaker with the supplement, as well as a discount of $5. The other stores you might want to visit for a good deal on the true game changer, are and Natural Body Inc. Both are currently pushing the product with savings through stacks in’s $59.99 Glutamine, Leucine and PF3 combination, and Natural Body’s Ultimate Recovery Stack. Which priced at just $10 more comes with tremendous grape Game Day, Glutamine, grape PF3 and a shaker.

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