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RSP preview double size Agmatine Sulfate, year old AgmaGen getting a name change

RSP Nutrition reveal their eighth for the year Agmatine Sulfate

Much like they did when they went from Create to Creade. RSP Nutrition are looking to do another name transformation of sorts to another one of their current supplements. The brand’s almost year old agmatine sulfate individual currently carries the title AgmaGen. With a straightforward formula of 500mg of AgmaMax agmatine in each of it’s 50 scoops. RSP’s upcoming product appropriately named Agmatine Sulfate, also features 500mg of AgmaMax agmatine, however it packs a total of 100 servings doubling AgmaGen’s. Based on the identical contents, and after what happened with Create, it would be good to assume the self titled supplement is AgmaGen’s replacement. With that said fans won’t need to get familiar with Agmatine Sulfate just yet, as RSP are not set to introduce their eighth for the year until sometime around September.

Update: have officially launched RSP’s Agmatine Sulfate and now have the supplement on sale.

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