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Adipo-X PM goes from complex to basic, Axis Labs latest more stim free than nighttime

Axis Labs release a stimulant free Adipo-X titled Adipo-X PM

In an industry where every consumer has different needs, it makes sense for brands to have as much variety as possible, to reach as many individuals as possible. This is something Axis Labs have done with their latest release, an alternate version of their weight loss solution Adipo-X PM. Without even seeing the product’s facts panel, Axis make it pretty clear in the formula’s title that their new fat burner is intended for nighttime use. Unfortunately you may want to look at it’s label, as it is a lot more than just a stimulant free spin off. Adipo-X PM actually only lists two ingredients alongside 100mg of vitamin C, with 500mg of l-carnitine and 100mg of raspberry ketones. The supplement sees Axis go from complex all the way down to almost individual for their Adipo-X variant. Which unlike a lot of other nighttime weight loss products, does not feature any sleep aid ingredients. Having Adipo-X PM Relying on just the two to deliver on it’s promises, ‘reduce fat storage’ and ‘burn fat while you sleep’.

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