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Availability status of the #1 pre-workout, questions answered about Dedicated Nutrition’s Unstoppable

Dedicated Nutrition's 1st place position of Unstoppable

We got a lot of questions yesterday about our Dedicated Unstoppable position and the product in general, so here today we have answers. Firstly the European only brand are looking to get into the US as soon as possible, and have said they are working hard to get Dedicated stateside. Secondly, a lot of supplements did get shuffled around in our top 10 due to Unstoppable’s introduction, more than just first bumping everyone down a spot. The reason being as mentioned, we have retested all of the pre-workouts, gauging their performance against one another. It’s because of that unforgettable performers like Game Day and Nitramine held on to third and fourth. Next we have the topic of our giveaway, which is going to officially kick off next week on Monday with free tubs and the position guess winners announced. Last but not least a lot of people want to know where can they buy Dedicated’s Unstoppable? Unfortunately we’ve looked at plenty of stores, including Amazon and no one appears to be shipping to the US. For those interested in getting a hold of the best it is an issue, although there is the option of trying your luck next week to win a tub or sample.

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