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UPS 1,3 like pre-workout unveiled, Crazy due to arrive during Olympia week

UPS unveil their new 1,3 like pre-workout supplement Crazy

Australia’s UPS have revealed the pre-workout they’ve been teasing as a direct comparison to the legendary 1,3 dimethylamylamine. After plenty of shots of the upcoming supplement in beta teasing the brand have unveiled their self proclaimed ‘extreme pre-workout’, Crazy. UPS have of course yet to confirm any of the product’s contents, which is where it is likely going to attract attention. On the bright side, while we don’t have any ingredients worth getting excited about, UPS have announced that Crazy is due to arrive next week. Based on the image released, we do know we’re in for a cola flavored formula, with a tub weight of 150g, the same as the brand’s current pre-workout Ultimate Warrior. We suspect the supplement is going to be launched direct by UPS, which if they do come through on their promise of next week will see Crazy, despite being countries away, released during Olympia week.

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