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Muscle Pharm make a few changes to their Hybrid Series fat burner Shred Matrix

Muscle Pharm make a few changes to their fat burner Shred Matrix

One of our favorite fat burning formulas Muscle Pharm’s eight stage Shred Matrix, has by the looks of things received a bit of a makeover. We first noticed something was up when we purchased the brand’s heavily discounted Fat Loss Stack, offering CLA Core and Shred Matrix at unbeatable prices. While the complex weight loss solution was squeezed into a bottle identical in size to the 90 count CLA, that wasn’t the slight change we noticed. It was when we turned the supplement around and took a look at it’s facts panel that we picked up on the difference. Basically somewhere along the line Muscle Pharm reformulated Shred Matrix, making enough modifications to almost call the product Shred Matrix 2.0. A lot of the edits appear to be ingredient swaps or removals, with the biggest change being the loss of yohimbine HCl. The reason it’s the biggest is not only because it will please those who are not to fond of the stimulant. But also please international fans as it will now be able to be purchased by people in countries who have banned yohimbine. Looking at Muscle Pharm’s website, their Shred Matrix facts panel does not match up with the one we have in front of us, similar to a number of big stores out there. Whether or not that means the yohimbineless version is exclusive or limited edition, you can actually now see it at, one of the few places listing the supplement individually with it’s new formula.

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