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Two very different reponses on AMP citrate from VPX and Lecheek Nutrition

VPX and Lecheek Nutrition's responses to the AMP citrate drama

The latest in the AMP citrate and DMBA drama sees two surprising reactions from two different companies. One is from VPX, the makers of a few AMP citrate powered supplements, who have come out saying there is nothing wrong with the ingredient. The brand have put together a piece making an even stronger argument in our opinion that the stimulant is compliant and fine to use. VPX raise a number of points and comparisons, that leave us with our fingers crossed hoping 1,3-dimethylbutylamine comes out of this. The other brand who have posted a response is Lecheek Nutrition, also makers of a few AMP powered products. Unlike VPX they aren’t going against what the original stories stated, saying that AMPilean and AMPitropin will no longer be sold until they’re reformulated. The brand provide an address that fans can actually return their AMP supplements to and get credit towards another purchase. The two reactions are essentially the complete opposite, but both respectable moves from two big players.