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Cellucor’s People’s Protein discounted at for the EveryDay CorWhey Bundle

Cellucor's People's Protein discounted at for the EveryDay CorWhey Bundle

While nothing quite compares to Cellucor’s Costco exclusive deal which when we last checked back in September was $39 for a 4lb cinnamon swirl. Online the usual price is around $50, saving you 20% by heading into your local Costco. On the odd occasion you will find stores doing discounts or throwing in some freebies with purchases of the Cellucor protein, but nothing ongoing. The popular have actually now come through for fans of the brand with a two pack valued at $89.99. The set comes with two 4lb tubs of your choice, either molten chocolate, cinnamon swirl, cookies ‘n’ cream, strawberry milkshake, whipped vanilla and our favorite of the six originals, peanut butter marshmallow. The deal basically gives you 10% off at any time, which will be a bundle to watch in upcoming holiday promotions as a store wide or brand sale should get us near that single flavor Costco price.

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