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Core 150 going into meal management with the rather unique Stack Pack

Core 150 going into meal management with the rather unique Stack Pack

The meal management category is one of the few we follow outside of supplements, which in the past year has grown quite a bit thanks to its two major competitors. We have of course seen more than just the giants further their domination through style and innovation, with smaller names expanding on their ranges and getting more recognition. What we haven’t seen much of is new companies entering the game, something Core 150 are actually planning on doing early next year. For those that don’t know Core 150, they’re the makers of the self titled Core 150 shaker, known for its massive size and unique compartment feature. As for what they’ve put together, the new product is called the Stack Pack, the brand’s first meal management system packing a bit more than your traditional bag. The innovation is essentially a combination of a lot of things, with a side for laptop, magazines, pens, all the business essentials. A pocket for four Core 150 compartment cases, a Core 150 shaker space, and of course room for two meal containers, tucking into the bottom. The Stack Pack may not have room for three or more meals, it is however definitely going to get the attention of people with enough individuality to call it something different. If you’d like a closer look check out Core’s website where they have a few more pictures and details for the Stack Pack, and you can pre-order the product with deliver going down January of next year.

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