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Chaos and Pain’s Aggro goes head to head with the iconic energy drink Red Bull

Chaos and Pain's Aggro goes head to head with the iconic energy drink Red Bull

We all love a good advertisement that stirs up some conversation, whether it be a brand making claims that it shouldn’t be, or a supplement being compared side by side with unfair highlights. There are very few times you’ll actually see an argument honestly made that doesn’t leave any doubt, which is exactly what Chaos and Pain have done. The 100% transparent company that landed at number four on list of top brands last year, have put together a head to head comparison of their Pwnd Series Aggro and the iconic energy drink Red Bull. Most supplement addicts will know this one is an unfair match up, mainly because when it comes to energy drinks their formulas aren’t always ground breaking or as well ranged. A small combination of caffeine, vitamins, taurine and in Red Bull’s case inositol is usually all you get, which just doesn’t compete with energizing products in our industry. As Chaos and Pain detail in the image below, Aggro not only wins out in value costing 99 cents per serve, but it also features more than twice the caffeine, ingredients specifically for focus, and two very effective memory enhancers. Arguably the convenience of premixed and taste is something that gives energy drinks the one up, however if you are looking for a better experience. Just as Chaos and Pain have laid it out, supplements, in particular Aggro, are the way to go.

Chaos and Pain's Aggro goes head to head with the iconic energy drink Red Bull
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