Continue reading Stack3d jump the gun launching Muscle Pharm’s latest a few days early jump the gun launching Muscle Pharm's latest a few days early

We appreciate exact dates for product launches just as must as the next excited fan, however sometimes we do regret brands making the effort. On more than enough occasions we’ve seen companies line up releases whether it be with their own website or a specific store, only to miss the date by a few days or even never come through at all. As disappointing as it can be, every now and then you see the lack of communication or whatever the reason may be, go the other way resulting in a supplement arriving earlier than expected. Despite originally being unreliable, Muscle Pharm or at least, have proven they would rather be early than late. For the launch of their latest flavor of Combat Crunch the Athlete’s Company set February the 16th as the date, which have once again beaten by a number of days. White chocolate raspberry has now been added to the store’s Combat Crunch page, where you can grab it for the usual price of $29.88. The store have even added the new taste to their Combat Stack where you can get a box of bars and a 4lb tub of Combat at the discounted cost of $59.99. The only downside at the moment appears to be that you can’t purchase white chocolate raspberry one bar at a time, which you probably wouldn’t want to do anyway as a box does save you $3.60.

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