At a time where all the big innovators appear to be bringing out amino formulas with supplements such as of ANS Amino-HP, Dedicated BCAA Sensation and Myokem mTOR Pro, last week Performix made their case to join the fray. The name of their entry in the category is ISO 9:2:2, a product that lists its exact BCAA ratio in its title. Outside of that main piece of information we didn’t know much else about the Performix supplement aside from a hydration blend featuring coconut water powder and a three ingredient proprietary led by citrulline malate. Today we’ve got everything else you need to know about the supplement, confirming ISO 9:2:2 as a lot more than just a unique 5.05g dose of BCAAs. On top of the heaviest ingredient in the product, Performix have also thrown in a 3.917g blend of citrulline malate (2:1), betaine anhydrous and glutamine. A 3.366g mix of taurine, di-sodium phosphate, the previous known coconut water, and rounding out the formula 25mg of AstraGin. In the area of flavors fans will be treated to the same amount of tastes as they were for Ion with two 30 serving options, punch berry ice and blue razz ice. Also much like the pre-workout, even after we reviewed it and found out how good it is, price is going to play a big part on this one especially knowing Performix’s trend of nothing less that $49. Being an amino the market is not necessarily as competitive as the pre-workout, its average price however is much lower. We’ll have to wait and see how the brand tackle its competition, but for now we can only get you as close as ISO 9:2:2’s facts panel which we’ve uploaded below.