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Core after feedback from their fans once again, this time for Core ISO

Core Nutritionals Isolate

If you can cast your mind back to the end of last year, before Core Nutritionals named their pump pre-workout, rebranded Core ABC, and even before they dropped snickerdoodle MRP. Core confirmed their interest in another area of the protein powder market, talking about the coming of a 100% isolate formula called Core ISO. It seems after more than three months worth of work the brand have now got something together, as just as they did for Core Pump they’re once again asking their fans for help. Instead of looking for a name like last time, the brand are taking votes on whether Core ISO should be produced in a classic 2lb tub or the more isolate common 3lb. While the input is just as important as it was for Core Pump, the brand haven’t got a fancy voting poll this time around directing fans to share their opinion on a Facebook post. Core are only going to have Core ISO in the one size, which is why they want to make sure they get it right. Regardless of what ever option they go with the protein powder is due to go on sale within the next six weeks, putting the supplement out late next month.

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