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Amino spiking issue hits the heights of Forbes

Amino spiking issue hits the heights of Forbes

If you haven’t touched the internet for the last 24 hours you may not have seen the Forbes post from yesterday that saw a lot of brands come together and share the same link. The title of the article almost says it all “Lawsuits Say Protein Powders Lack Protein, Ripping Off Athletes”, making Forbes the first real big name media to touch on the issue.

The author Alex Morrell explains the act of amino spiking like most, introducing the hot topic the best way possible. Once you get through the introduction or even before then the piece gets intense quite quickly, highlighting most of the major companies that have found themselves in legal trouble.

Brands that have landed in the Forbes story include 4 Dimension Nutrition, Giant Sports who are looking to regain the market’s trust after yesterday’s unveiling of Delicious Elite. Body Fortress, Inner Armour, and the one most recently thrown in to the spotlight, Muscle Pharm.

Other things Morrell touches are the amounts of protein claimed by some of the brands compared to the amounts tests have found, as well as how cheap it is to spike a supplement and even a quote from EFX Sport’s CEO Jeff Golini. If you have a few minutes spare definitely check out the article, and be proud that the issue of amino spiking has managed to get this high up.

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