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Stack3d @ the ’15 Arnold, Performix promise at least 2 new supplements and 5 more flavors

Stack3d @ the '15 Arnold, Performix promise at least 2 new supplements and 5 more flavors

The still very young Performix have got themselves a booth at the Arnold Expo here today, and while they don’t have any thing to unveil, they have passed on some important information. Despite having their two recent releases on display, the amino cocktail ISO 9:2:2 and the intense pre-workout Ion, the brand are in fact already looking at their next few supplements. While we weren’t able to get names or categories for any of the products, they have given us some numbers. Sometime over the next few months Performix will be launching five new flavors, a total shared by the brand’s powder formulas. From tastes to sizes, a larger version of Performix’s capsule SST has also been promised, even though a double 120 count does already exist. Last but not least, and this is where fans will want to pay attention, the brand do have more than two entirely new supplements on the way. As vague as that number is we couldn’t get an exact total but were getting the sense that we could be in for as many as five or six. While Performix booth visitors here at the Arnold will have no trouble getting excited over the brand’s beautifully presented display and products. The news of Performix’s total amount of supplements possibly being doubled is definitely more exciting, and something that will keep fans excited and on there toes probably for the rest of the year.