Every month AI Sports put together a few deals for their own official store. Most of the time they involve a new supplement or at least cover a new supplement by being activated when your order goes over a certain amount. For the month of June AI have got a little more than they usually do with stack deals as well as a free product on purchases over $50. First we’ll talk about the freebie offer which is a tub of the brand’s green tea formula Magic Matcha with orders totaling $50 or more. Next we have the three stack deals, Furious + Agmatine, Health Stack XT and the Neapolitan Stack. The two supplement combination is fairly straightforward bringing together AI’s pre-workout Furious and individual ingredient agmatine for just $39.99. As for the other two, both are three piece stacks. Neapolitan is one of each flavor of the brand’s recently released Sportbiotic at the discounted price of $79.99, and the Health XT is Magic Matcha, Reds & Greens XT and Sportbiotic also for $79.99. Unfortunately none of the AI stacks will qualify you for the free Magic Matcha whether they’re over the $50 total or not. Regardless of which offer you decide on they all expire at the end of the month on Tuesday the 30th.