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Quadralean featuring just 1mg of carnitine tartrate in the UK


Being the site that we are we tend to attract interesting bits of information. The story we’ve been sent today shines the spotlight on RSP Nutrition once again, in particular their semi transparent fat burner Quadralean. As most will know RSP’s line is available at, an online store that distributes to countries all over the world.

One of those places is the UK where the product actually has a slightly different level of transparency and formula. In the regular US store you only get to see doses of the supplement’s CLA, garcinia cambogia and raspberry ketones, and the carnitine is in a 500mg blend. In’s UK store you see doses of everything, as well as garcinia and raspberry ketones swapped out for chromium picolinate and white kidney bean.

It is below all those in the carnitine blend where things get interesting, as the UK Quadralean does have the same three forms totaling 500mg however this time we get the doses of each of them. While we don’t know if this is the same blend that’s in the US version or if this is a mistake, but the doses are 490mg for ALCAR, 9mg for propionyl-l-carnitine and just 1mg for carnitine l-tartrate.

While there isn’t anything wrong with having all ALCAR, you would think when a brand adds a mix they do in fact add a mix, not 98% of one. You can see the labels yourself at, where you may need to switch between countries to see the different Quadraleans.

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