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Black Label and Hardcore Series now available online in Canada

hardcore series

While you may notice the MusclePharm Black Label series has been showing up outside of GNC lately, hitting a handful of retailers although no where online consistently. We had yet to see MusclePharm’s other exclusive product line the Hardcore Series, anywhere other than the online store. Everything has now changed for both the Black Label and Hardcore Series, as the latter has finally been spotted elsewhere, and the former online outside of GNC.

Two supplements from each line have been launched at Canada’s Supplement Source, with Wreckage and Gainz from the Hardcore family and Assault Black and Amino1 Black for the Black Label series. The products have all been introduced for $49.95 except for Amino1 Black which is at $39.95. The expansion isn’t exactly massive news and only really matters to Canadian shoppers. However it is the first time we’ve ever seen the Hardcore Series outside of, and the Black Label line online outside of GNC for more than a day.

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