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MHP CRE5 still likely after mystery 8 letter word

mhp cre5

Initially we thought MHP’s next new supplement was going to be the super creatine formula we got a preview of earlier in the year, MHP CRE5. Not only is the product the only one of the brand’s we have yet to see released, but the teaser silhouette uploaded also matches up with MHP CRE5. The brand have now dropped a second clue on top of the powder bottle image with an unknown eight letter word furthering the possibility of MHP CRE5.

The brand haven’t said exactly how the eight letters relate to the supplement they have coming, although if you’re like us and thinking the product is the super creatine, then you’ll notice right away the mystery eights letters matches right up with the word “CREATINE”. There is the chance the unknown word is the name of the supplement or something else entirely, however everything so far still seems to have MHP CRE5 as a possibility.

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