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Power Pak Pudding review: Butterscotch our new favorite

power pak pudding review

Recently MHP released their first new flavor for Power Pak Pudding in a very long time, introducing Butterscotch. The option joined the supplement’s original Chocolate, and its other traditional flavor Vanilla. While the product was only just released, we’ve been fortunate enough to get a couple of cases of Butterscotch Power Pak Pudding to give a taste test. We have tried the supplement before in Chocolate, back about two years ago and did find it to be a bit flat and inconsistent. Surprisingly that’s not how things turned out this time, as MHP’s latest Power Pak Pudding is quite the treat.

Firstly we should mention that we are in no way butterscotch fans. We don’t mean that in relation to the Power Pak Pudding, just butterscotch in general. If we were given a choice of the product’s three flavors, even though our previous experience with it wasn’t great our first pick would be Chocolate, then Vanilla and Butterscotch last. With that being said after actually trying Butterscotch we’d be happy to reverse that order of preference.

power pak pudding review

The best thing about the Power Pak Pudding is that it is in fact a pudding which means it is obviously quite thick. It is because of that a flavor doesn’t need to be overly strong, much like with the thicker protein powders as the consistency of it almost seems to amplify the taste regardless of how weak it is. The same thing helped out the Chocolate Power Pak Pudding as even though the chocolate wasn’t exactly on point for us, the supplement’s consistency spread out and strengthened the light flavor.

In the case of Butterscotch we feel MHP nail it for the same reason Chocolate was somewhat bearable. Because the thickness of a pudding helps create the experience, the butterscotch flavor in the Power Pak Pudding never needed to be that much. Traditionally butterscotch is quite a smooth yet sweet flavor, not heavy but definitely strong throughout. That is exactly what it’s like in Butterscotch Power Pak Pudding as the taste is almost perfectly delivered.

power pak pudding review

Right from the first mouthful the product will have you convinced you’re eating a butterscotch pudding, although it’s got 30g of protein and only 200 calories. It has just the right amount of sweetness, strong flavor throughout, and tastes so good you’ll have trouble putting it down and likely go from your first mouthful to last without a break. Coming from the real thing you will of course notice the difference, but if you’re a health enthusiast looking for a butterscotch treat then the Power Pak Pudding will hit the spot.

Final say

If we had to be picky we would say MHP has room for about 20 to 30% more flavor to make the Butterscotch Power Pak Pudding that little more realistic. In the end though the supplement’s third flavor is actually its best yet. As mentioned we’re not generally fans of anything butterscotch flavored and never have been, however MHP’s recipe changed that pretty quickly as our two cases disappeared in a matter of days.

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