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Hydroxycut CLA Elite Muscletech’s latest Next Gen supplement

hydroxycut cla elite

Already this week we’ve seen the introduction of six new Muscletech supplements from Monday’s Black Onyx Ultra Carnitine 3X, to yesterday’s reveal of a double size Black Onyx Hydroxycut. Today we’ve got yet another new product from the extremely busy brand with the Next Gen formula, Hydroxycut CLA Elite. While the supplement does initially sound like some kind of basic or simple combination, as it turns out there is quite a bit more to CLA Elite than what’s in its name.

The technically fifth Next Gen Muscletech product is officially being described as a “non-stimulant weight loss plus CLA formula”. From that one line you can probably figure out that despite CLA being in the supplement’s title, it is just one of the many features in Hydroxycut CLA Elite. Unfortunately today’s preview hasn’t brought with it a look at the product’s facts panel, so we don’t know everything that’s in it. However there are at least three ingredients we can confirm will be in the formula alongside the CLA. Keeping with the non-stimulant promise CLA Elite will also feature unknown amounts of green coffee bean, raspberry ketones and carnitine l-tartrate.

Like a lot of the new Muscletech supplements we don’t yet know when Hydroxycut CLA Elite is due arrive, just that it is coming soon and will be another addition to the brand’s fast growing Performance Series.

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