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Pwnd Gamerz supplement Aggro gets a very different look for 2016


While it may not feel like the supplement’s very old, it was well over a year ago that Chaos and Pain launched its first Pwnd Series formula Aggro. The product was introduced in a total of four 30 serving flavors, the same amount in fact that it’s still available in today. The reason we’re putting the spotlight back on the supplement is because the brand has decided it’s time to rebrand Aggro.

Chaos and Pain has released an image of a very different looking Aggro, which has swapped its background pattern and smoking title for a galactic graphic and a more digitally themed font. You can see the updated product in the picture above, where you’ll also notice the brand has gone with a bigger collection of colors. At the moment everywhere is still displaying Aggro’s original look, meaning the brighter bottle is something that’s coming soon.

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