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Muscle Elements teaser hints at eight basic supplements

muscle elements

Muscle Elements has passed on a teaser image of what appears to be an upcoming series. We say that because the teaser features from what we can see, eight different supplements, all of which look to be dressed in a the same alternative theme. The brand hasn’t really released anything outside of the image, although the fact that there are eight similar looking products does point us in just the one direction.

You almost never see a brand launch as many as eight supplements and they’re all complex. Usually with a number that high you’re looking at eight basic formulas. That is exactly what we think Muscle Elements is teasing us with today, something that’s even more likely since the brand has only launched two products since it arrived roughly two years ago. The mystery remaining of course is if we are looking at eight basic supplements, what are they?

Knowing Muscle Elements we will probably see a few more teasers for the line over the next few weeks, with all eight due to be released some time this Spring.

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