When it comes to full transparency in supplements, consumers are definitely spoiled for choice as there are a lot of brands out there, both new and old, that are completely transparent. Full transparency is where a brand doesn’t use any proprietary blends and lists each ingredient in a product on the label alongside its exact dose.
Today we’re highlighting some of the more transparent companies on the market, as there are some that deserve extra attention due to going that little bit further. One of the big things that stands out to us is that while some companies don’t use proprietary blends in supplements like aminos and pre-workouts, they still use them in protein powders.
Being transparent with protein powders is something we very rarely see and only know of a handful of brands that do it. A transparent protein lists how much of each source it has along with how much actual protein it provides. This is useful with supplements featuring a variety of sources as it can tell you the amount of protein you get from each specific source.

Muscle Elements
The first name on our list of extra transparent brands is the orange and white brand, Muscle Elements. While it didn’t originally start out with a fully transparent family of supplements, it did eventually switch all of its products’ labels to the open and disclosed style.
Muscle Elements’ protein powder The Truth was, however, transparent from launch and was also one of the first fully transparent proteins released this decade. Right on The Truth’s facts panel, it tells you how much of each protein source it has and how much actual protein it yields. For example, one serving of the product has 6.82g of whey isolate which provides 6g of protein.

The next brand we have is the newest name on our list with the original lifestyle supplement company Ghost. Just like Muscle Elements, it wasn’t transparent from the start but did quickly switch all of the products it started out with to full transparency including its pre-workout Ghost Legend and Ghost Amino.
Ghost’s lineup now includes two completely transparent protein powders with Ghost Whey and Ghost Vegan, as well as a transparent creatine which isn’t something we’ve seen from any other brand. Similar to proteins, the brand’s creatine formula lists how much of each creatine source it has alongside how much actual creatine it provides, for example, from its 3.21g of creatine HCl you get 2.5g of actual creatine.

The last name we have on our list is Nutrabio, who from what we know, is the original fully transparent brand. The company has been around for an impressive 22 years, and it never uses proprietary blends in any of its supplements. The Nutrabio lineup is incredibly extensive with a massive amount of products covering an enormous number of categories.
One of the extremely transparent things Nutrabio does with its supplements is list the doses of everything right down to the natural and artificial flavors. If you head to the brand’s website and click through to the page of any of its products, you can see the extensive transparency from Nutrabio in its facts panels which are all open and easy to view.
There are others
We should mention that Muscle Elements, Nutrabio, and Ghost are far from the only brands that take transparency all the way through to protein powders. There are others out there, we just felt as mentioned earlier, that it was worth highlighting the extra steps they take with Muscle Elements being one of the earliest young brands; Ghost with its creatine and proteins; and Nutrabio being the first out of everyone as well as taking transparency as deep as flavors and colors.