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BPI Sports nails its next 1MR down to 1 of 2 versions


The story of which version BPI Sports is going to bring back for its next 1MR, continues to build today as it has released a video really nailing it down to one of two versions. Basically the 15 clip features the very old red, gold and white 1MR logo transforming into a more modern one with the brand’s current black, blue and white colors. That quickly suggests to us that BPI is bringing back a version from the past that used that logo.

If we remember correctly the red, gold and white logo was only used on a couple of versions of 1MR. While it was a very long time ago we’re fairly certain it was the 1,3 dimethylamylamine original, and the reformulation that came after it. As mentioned yesterday, like most we’re hoping it is the former as it would make BPI the first major brand to use DMAA again. All we can do now though is wait, but at least we know we’re in for an original 1MR and not something from recent years.

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