If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it multiple times: bigger is better when it comes to bigger sizes of supplements. When you buy a larger volume of the same product, like a 10lb bag of protein powder over a classic 2lber, you will inherently save some cash, and usually, the difference is rather significant. Protein powder is the category this sort of thing is most common, but it does happen elsewhere in the industry, and that is the case this week at BPI Sports for its standalone muscle builder, Micronized Creatine.
Legacy brand BPI Sports has released a third size of Micronized Creatine, which is a bulk and basic supplement featuring only creatine monohydrate to support muscle strength and size, and it is unflavored for easier stacking with things like shakes and smoothies. Previously, the product came in 60 and 120-serving sizes; now, there is the giant 1,000-gram bottle with a total of 200 servings, and directly through bpisports.com, it’s $59.99, working out to a saving of around 30% compared to the 60 count.