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Surprises expected with the unveiling of Ghost Whey’s label

ghost whey

While Ghost hasn’t been around for very long, the bright and colorful brand has received quite a bit of attention since it launched earlier this month. The brand is of course going to try and keep that momentum going with its next big announcement which is actually coming at our Stack3d Pro Expo. The online event is due to launch in less than six hours and will feature Ghost’s first complete look at its protein powder Ghost Whey.

We have of course seen Ghost Whey previously on several occasions, as well as posted some of its major macros including 25g of protein from whey isolate, concentrate, and hydrolysate, a gram of fat, 5g of carbohydrates, and 130 calories. With all that said there are really only two things left to come for Ghost Whey, the launch of the supplement itself and its label. As far as we know we aren’t going to be getting the former at the Stack3d Pro, which leaves us thinking we’re going to be seeing its official label.

If Ghost Whey’s label is the next major move from the still very new brand, we can’t help but wonder what’s going to be so special about it. Since the brand has already confirmed almost everything about the protein powder, there really can’t be much more to see. Regardless that is what Ghost is now getting its fans ready for, as well as something we’re extremely interested to see.

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