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Gold Standard Gainer confirmed and featuring the pea sourced Carb10

gold standard gainer

Optimum Nutrition first expanded its Gold Standard name outside of protein into the pre-workout category with the 2014 released Gold Standard Pre-Workout. It then did the same again earlier this year with the Arnold Classic unveiled Gold Standard BCAA. Another extension making use of the well-known name has now been revealed with the obviously named Gold Standard Gainer.

Optimum’s upcoming Gold Standard Gainer is exactly what it sounds like, a mass protein formula combining protein and carbohydrates. The supplement definitely falls on the leaner side of gainers as it is quite a bit below the 1,000 calorie mark. Its macro balance is actually along the same lines as the brand’s Pro Series competitor Pro Gainer, just with a few extra calories from carbohydrates and fat.

Making up each two scoop, 203g serving of Gold Standard Gainer is 55g of protein from a blend of whey isolate, concentrate, milk isolate, and hydrolyzed whey. 112g of carbohydrates (8g fiber, 12g sugar), most of which comes from its carbohydrate blend of oat flour, Carb10, and potato starch, 10g of fat (6g saturated), and a total of 760 calories. The most interesting highlight there has to be the product’s inclusion of Compound Solutions’ Carb10, a pea sourced carbohydrate best described as a fast-acting carb with less of an insulin spike compared to others.

At the moment there are only two Gold Standard Gainer flavors we know of, and just the one size. Both flavors are fairly traditional in Colossal Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream, and are both confirmed for the only size we know of, a massive 10.29/28lb 23 serving bag. We should also mention there are slight macro differences between the flavors, for example, Vanilla has an extra 4g of carbohydrates, a gram less of fat, and 10 more calories.

The only detail we can’t confirm today for Gold Standard Gainer is when the supplement will be available. As you can see everything else has been revealed, with the only thing we know about its release is that it’s coming.

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