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Nitraflex RTD will feature four key ingredients from the powder

nitraflex rtd

As suspected based on its recent teaser image, GAT has now officially unveiled its upcoming Nitraflex RTD. Today’s unveiling fortunately doesn’t just end there, as the brand has also given some details on what its formula is going to be like. We don’t have its official facts panel or anything like that, however the details released do give us quite a bit on the supplement.

GAT has confirmed that the Nitraflex RTD is going to have four key ingredients from the powder, all of which will be at their original doses. Those four are 3g of citrulline, 1.5g beta-alanine, half a gram of tyrosine, and 325mg of caffeine. While there may very well be more to the on-the-go pre-workout, the fact that the brand is keeping things consistent means fans of the Nitraflex powder will likely enjoy the Nitraflex RTD.

The product is still being promoted as coming to “your gym cooler soon”, with just the one flavor named so far in the classic recipe, Blue Raspberry.

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