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S’mores Combat Crunch now available at Muscle & Strength for $1.56 a bar

smores combat crunch

Back before the Olympia Expo MusclePharm made a pretty big announcement in celebration of its protein bar getting’s Protein Bar Of The Year award, confirming that another Combat Crunch flavor was on the way. That new flavor has now been revealed and officially released, which as previously mentioned takes the product’s flavor total up to 10.

The new addition to MusclePharm’s protein bar family is the delicious sounding Smores Combat Crunch. The latest from the Athlete’s Company has actually already made its way into a major retailer where coincidentally the supplement is currently on sale.

If you head to Muscle & Strength today you’ll find the new Smores Combat Crunch in stock both individually and in 12 bar boxes, with the latter being the option with the deal. While a single box of Combat Crunch is still the same at $24.97. If you decide to get a second that is where you’ll save as Muscle & Strength’s deal is get a second box for half price, working out to $18.70 a box or $1.56 a bar.

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