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Modern Creatine, Jack3d Micro and 6lbs of Modern Protein just $65 all up

usp labs

USP Labs is very well-known for it incredible insider deals that it puts together from time to time, which almost always involve entirely new supplements or flavors. To round out this week the brand has launched yet another one of those deals, although this time it doesn’t involve a new product of any kind. The deal USP has just dropped is all about its protein powder Modern Protein, with a few freebies also thrown in the mix.

The overall price on the direct USP promotion is $64.99 which gets you three 25 serving tubs of Modern Protein in your choice of Milk Chocolate, Vanilla Ice Cream, and Caramel Cookie Stix. Also included are free full-size tubs of Modern Creatine and the pre-workout Jack3d Micro, as well as free shipping. No matter how you look at it, the deal is very good.

If you calculate the value of the whole lot on just the Modern Protein, you’re looking at a pretty incredible $21.60 per 2lb tub. If however you factor in the freebies at something like $5 for shipping and $10 each for Modern Creatine or Jack3d Micro, you’re looking at $13.30 per 2lb tub of Modern Protein. As mentioned no matter how you look at it, the promotion is well worth getting in on.

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