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Performix relies on Carb10 and ModCarb as its main carbohydrate sources

performix pro gainer

Performix Pro Gainer is the only supplement introduced today by the brand that isn’t a combination of any other Performix products. It is an entirely new supplement that features a fairly solid formula, depending of course on how much it’ll cost. The Performix gainer is certainly not on the lean side, packing a rather high calorie count with a 3:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio.

The important nutrition details making up the Performix Pro Gainer are 50g of protein from a whey blend of concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate. 149g of carbohydrates with most of that coming from a whole food carb blend of Carb10 and the ModCarb mix of amaranth, buckwheat, chia, millet, and quinoa. Then lastly 7g of fat (4g saturated) and a total of 840 calories. While that is as mentioned, a fairly solid gainer combination, Performix has also packed Pro Gainer with a handful of extras.

Performix Pro Gainer

performix pro gainer

On top of all of its massive macros, Performix Pro Gainer features five extra ingredients. From heaviest to lightest, the supplement’s bonus features are 7g each of glutamine and leucine, 5g of creatine monohydrate, 3g of betaine, and a gram of MCTs. Like all of the brand’s other products, Pro Gainer does use Performix’s signature Terra Bead Technology which has been infused with the glutamine to help create a time release recovery effect like in Gluta-Bead.

Unlike the brand’s other two protein powders unveiled todayPro Whey SST and Pro Whey Super Male T — Performix Pro Gainer is not yet available. We do know however that when it does arrive fans are going to have two tub sizes to choose from in at least one flavor. Those two sizes are the rather small 2.7lb 5 serving and 5.4lb 10 serving, both coming in the same Double Chocolate Brownie flavor.

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